Singapore College of Insurance

Juliet Kwek to give course about employee benefits

How can employers achieve stronger global governance and execute their global employee benefits strategy? Can pricing risks at a global portfolio level can allow multinationals to achieve better terms and conditions?

Juliet Kwek, Regional Director Asia-Pacific at MAXIS GBN, will answer these important questions when she delivers a course at the Singapore College of Insurance on Thursday 13 July from 9am to 1pm.

She will share her expertise about management of employee benefits programmes, adding EB risks to a captive programme, tailored coverage and the role of a global network.

Programme outline:

  • History of pool/captives.

  • Overview of the network providers in the market.

  • Multinational Organisations’ EB needs and market development.

  • Advantages of the alternative financing models available in the market ie self-funding, commercial, pool and captive.

  • The various stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities in a global EB solution ie pool/captive set up.

  • Convincing the different stakeholders to embark on a global EB solution.

  • The ways in which brokers/agents/clients can further leverage a global EB solution.

  • Factors to consider when choosing a pool/captive provider/s.

  • Issues to lookout for when developing a global EB solution i.e. pool/captive programme.

  • Case study or client experience sharing.

About the Singapore College of Insurance

The Singapore College of Insurance (SCI) a not-for-profit, industry-based professional training and education body set up in 1974, as part of Singapore's efforts to develop as an international insurance hub has been focusing in its efforts to upgrade the technical expertise of insurance and financial services practitioners, and to provide them with professional advancement opportunities, through its series of practice-oriented programmes, certification programmes and professional qualifications.