Watch our most recent webinars

Webinar 'How do industry, culture and gender affect employee health Insights from MAXIS claims data’

Whatch out webinar to find out how stepping away from the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach can help you create equitable wellness plans, address the differing needs and health concerns of your people, with better outcomes for everyone. 

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Webinar: Mind the gap: Do your medical plans leave your people falling through the cracks?

Watch our webinar to find out how Liberty Latin America overcame some of the challenges they faced, and were able to provide more equitable health coverage for their people and hear Further Group who shares how ‘top-up’ solutions for serious illnesses, such as cancer, can fill the cover gap and ensure that all employees have access to the best medical treatment, no matter their location.

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Webinar: Has COVID-19 caused a rise in critical illnesses?

Dr Leena Johns, Chief Health & Wellness Officer at MAXIS GBN, sat down with Frank Ahedo, CEO at Further, to discuss the findings from MAXIS claims data analysis and share potential solutions for multinationals.

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Webinar: How wellness has changed in a post pandemic world

Dr Leena Johns, Head of Health & Wellness at MAXIS GBN, discussed ‘healthcare changes post pandemic’ at the Asia Insurance Brokers’ Summit. She shared ways to get ahead of the trends and what multinationals need to do to keep their employees happy, healthy and productive.

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Webinar: Tackling the mental health impact of the COVID-19 crisis

Dr Leena Johns, Head of Health and Wellness at MAXIS GBN was joined Andrew Davies, CEO, and Wiebke Welgemoed, COO, from our wellness partner ICAS World to discuss why mental health has been at the forefront of our minds throughout the COVID-19 pandemic

 Watch on Vimeo

Webinar: How COVID-19 has changed employee benefits

Juliet Kwek, Regional Director, Asia Pacific at MAXIS GBN was part of the panel session “How COVID-19 has changed employee benefits” at the Asia Captive Summit. Watch the recording to hear from her and a panel of EB experts discussing more about this all-important topic.

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Webinar: Best way to look after your people during a pandemic?

Lauren Kelly, Senior Account Executive and Larry Howley, Account Executive at MAXIS GBN presented on ‘EB captives: the best way to look after your people during a pandemic?’ at the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA) conference.

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Webinar: PARIMA Dynamic Huddles

Replay the session to hear from Mattieu Rouot, CEO at MAXIS GBN, regarding the value of EB in COVID-19 times.

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Webinar: Captives: a new strategy for your company?

In this French speaking webinar, Damian Allepuz, Regional Manager for Western Europe at MAXIS GBN and Marine Charbonnier, Head of Global Programmes and Captives - Europe at AXA XL, share their expertise on captives

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Healthy ageing webinar

Replay our “healthy ageing” webinar

Dr Leena Johns, MD, Head of Health & Wellness at MAXIS GBN was joined by Dana Citron, Director, Health and Wellbeing at Deutshe Post DHL Group, to present the findings of our whitepaper, discuss the topic of healthy ageing and share how employers can help their employees age more healthily.

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Pooling webinar

Multinational pooling: the knowledge, the experience and the benefits

We hear from our clients Suez and Saint-Gobain why they decided to implement a global approach to employee benefits management, the key success factors, the challenges and the lessons they learned from putting a multinational pool in place.

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Webinar: Home alone and anxious - the impact of COVID-19

Dr Leena Johns joined Liberty Corporate and ICAS to addresss the innovative approaches to employee benefits and the valuable role of telemedicine and employee assistance programmes in facilitating access to physical and mental healthcare. Find out more on the new approaches to employee benefits in this new world.

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Webinar: What do employees want: MetLife COVID-19 Research Insights

MetLife Australia conducted research in March and May of this year looking at the impact of COVID-19 on health (both mental and physical), financial wellness and returning to work. Andre Purttel, Head of Research and Insights, and Mark Raberger, Head of Health from MetLife Australia share the key findings from the research and much more in this important webinar.

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Webinar: How to make the most of your captives

For human resources departments and corporate risk management at multinational companies, captive insurance companies are an important vehicle for long-term strategy and success. Watch the replay of the AXA webinar and hear from experts including Ricardo Almeida – Head of Business Development at MAXIS GBN and AXA Climate, AXA XL and AXA Group Pension and Savings.

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Webinar: Workplace culture: helping or hurting your business?

Did you know creating positive workplace culture can actually keep your employees healthy and productive and businesses can prosper financially while seeing their medical costs decrease?

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Webinar: Data & digital innovation and the future of employee benefits

Presented by MAXIS GBN and with Lawrence Sutton from Thomsons Online Benefits as special guest, this webinar covers insights from our MAXIS Global Perspectives report and our MAXIS Data & Digital Innovation Lab, including topics such as global benefits platforms & data analytics.

Webinar: The power of including medical in global employee benefits solutions

Hear from experienced guests from MAXIS GBN and Willis Towers Watson on the benefits of including medical policies in global employee benefits solution

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Webinar: Is your employee benefits captive enriched and ready for growth?

Want to hear from experienced guests from Microsoft and Granite on how to manage your costs and ensure consistency in your global benefits design? Replay our webinar.

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Webinar: Are you driving results through financial wellness?

Want to hear from experienced guests from MetLife, IBM and Nudge Global on a growing and shifting wellness focus, as well as the correlation between financial wellness and higher levels of workforce engagement, loyalty and productivity? Replay our webinar.

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Webinar: Are you really exploiting the potential of optimism?

Is the glass half empty or half full? This question may not seem relevant to your concerns about managerial decision-making, employee retention and medical claims reduction. But the evidence is strong; optimism makes a difference in these business measures...

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Webinar: Growing business through reform in Egypt

Learn how the widespread and dramatic effects of the Arab Spring mean for employers and their employees and how can insurers help. For Egypt the ultimate consequences have been economic growth deceleration, currency devaluation and a rocketing consumer price index.

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Webinar: Gut bacteria, impacts of the forgotten 'organ'

Inside every person resides a “multifunctional organ” which the scientific community has started to acknowledge as holding the key to improved health and wellness.Taking care of this organ could drive down medical costs, and increase engagement at work.

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