Our network of local insurance partners are at the very heart of our success and it’s important that we take the time to recognise their commitment and contribution to the MAXIS network with our member awards.
Our 2021 Americas member awards took place on 15 April, and although we couldn’t gather in person as we would have loved to, it was still great to catch up with everyone virtually. Our members joined us to celebrate their successes and achievements during a challenging year and we were delighted to welcome representatives from across the region.
Those who attended heard introductions and summaries from MAXIS GBN CEO Mattieu Rouot and Regional Director for Americas, Paul Lewis, before participating in a fun-filled quiz. Some of our network partners shared their success stories, too, before the main event – the awards ceremony.
We were delighted to recognise excellence in five key categories.
Award: most innovative member In the highly competitive world of employee benefits, innovation plays a critical role in keeping ahead of evolving market needs. AXA Mexico took the prize in the innovation category this year category for its clear and responsive website that includes impressive COVID-19 information for clients and an automated chat function. The team at AXA Mexico were thrilled to win!
Congratulations to AXA Mexico.
Award: BRIDGE champion
Timely and accurate data is crucial for our clients, meaning that our members’ engagement with BRIDGE - our reporting platform – is also vital. Thank you to this year’s winner MetLife Worldwide Benefits for their prompt responses and general support when reporting data.
Congratulations to MetLife Worldwide Benefits!
Award: underwriting championMetLife Mexico was named the 2021 underwriting champion for being a strong partner for our underwriting team and for their team’s expertise.
Congratulations to MetLife Mexico!
Award: sales champion It was a hard-fought contest, but MetLife US took the prize for sales champion for their commitment to the partnership and their diligence to leverage their top spot in the market to win new business and expand the existing relationships.
Congratulations to MetLife US and thank you for all your efforts.Award: most engaged member For the final category Pan-American Life Insurance Company (PALIG) took the award for most engaged member. The MAXIS team were impressed by the close engagement of PALIG with various MAXIS teams, their proactive approach and their deep understanding of our operating model, which has led to a smooth and successful partnership.
We are delighted for PALIG. Congratulations!
We look forward to celebrating more success with our other members around the world very soon.