MAXIS Mobility Solutions

Our MAXIS Mobility Solutions is designed to help you meet your specific mobile benefits needs.

MAXIS Mobility Solutions

We’ve partnered with global providers AXA and MetLife1 to bring you MAXIS Mobility Solutions2 – designed to help solve your mobile employee benefit needs and integrate programmes into your global benefits management strategy.

The basics

Today’s increasingly global economy and workforce means many employers are having to rethink the way they approach health insurance and employee benefits. With around 200 million people living and work abroad today – more than double the number 25 years ago – the need to bring greater strategy and clarity to an often-confusing programme of global benefits grows daily.3

Main benefits

By integrating a flexible suite of solutions into your MAXIS global programme, you can gain access to financial and usage data, as well as having the opportunity to leverage your global purchasing power and deliver strong risk management.

MAXIS Mobility Solutions includes

Cross-border long-term health insurance that provides employees access global service capabilities, including (but not limited to):

Short-term travel programmes, including:

Global protection insurance allows you to add options, including:

> 24/7 access to experienced personal advisers

> international Business Travel Medical plans

> life and accidental death

> extensive international provider networks

> global business travel and accident plans.

> disability and income protection

> emergency medical evacuation and repatriation services

> pension plans.

> wellness programmes.

Core products at glance


MAXIS Mobility Solutions*

Health Care

Dental Care

Vision/Optical Cover



Disability and Income Protection


International Business Travel Medical

Business Travel and Accident

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*Various limitations do apply and actual percentage able to be reinsured can be impacted local regulations, location of populations, and other factors

1 MetLife Worldwide Benefit’s products are underwritten by Delaware American Life Insurance Company, a MetLife affiliate domiciled at 600 North King Street, Wilmington, DE, 19801, and other affiliates. 2 The products and services that make up MAXIS Mobility Solutions are provided by subsidiaries of both MetLife and AXA. 3 Harvard Business Review, “Strategic Global Mobility: Unlocking The Value Of Cross-Border Assignments”, 2014.