Danica joins MAXIS Global Benefits Network

Providing cover for our multinational clients in Denmark

We’re pleased to announce that we’re now working with Danica,1 a leading health insurance solutions company in Denmark. Danica will offer life, critical illness, disability and medical coverage to our multinational clients in Denmark.

Danica is a private life insurance company, specialising in pension plans, life insurance and health insurance. It provides insurance solutions to around 750,000 customers across Denmark and currently has around 25% of market share. Danica is a wholly owned subsidiary of Danske Bank Group.

Danica is focused on preventing illness and reducing absenteeism, with a commitment to effective prevention measures, quick treatment and continuous follow-up.

Dorte Bilsgaard, Chief Commercial Officer at Danica, said: “We’ve been partnering with large multinational employers in Denmark for decades and understand the challenges they face as they look to care for their people. We’re excited to be joining the MAXIS network so we can use our expertise to deliver vital insurance solutions to its clients.”

Iliyana Mladenova, Chief Operating Officer at MAXIS GBN, said: “We’re delighted to welcome Danica to the MAXIS network. Danica’s experience and health and wellness expertise makes them an ideal partner for MAXIS, and we’re excited to see how this new partnership can help our multinational clients support and care for their people in Denmark.”

MAXIS GBN works in partnership with over 300 multinational clients to deliver market-leading employee benefits risk management services and solutions. MAXIS GBN’s network of local insurers work in over 100 markets globally, covering nearly seven million employees worldwide.

1 Danica Pension, Livsforsikringsaktieselskab, Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 Copenhagen V, Denmark.

For media enquiries please contact

Kate Ross / Nick Spearing

MAXIS Global Benefits Network – pr.comms@maxis-gbn.com

This document has been prepared by MAXIS GBN S.A.S. and is for informational purposes only – it does not constitute advice. MAXIS GBN S.A.S. has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this document has been obtained from reliable sources but cannot guarantee accuracy or completeness. The information contained in this document may be subject to change at any time without notice. Any reliance you place on this information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

Not all services are available from all MAXIS member insurance companies or to all clients. The services are subject to local market practices, and compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

About Danica

Danica, part of the Danske Bank Group, is one of the largest pension companies in Denmark, managing assets worth approximately DKK 480 billion and serving over 750,000 customers. It offers a wide range of pension, life insurance, and health insurance products to both individuals and businesses. With a focus on customer-centric solutions, Danica is committed to providing comprehensive financial security and support throughout every stage of life. The company leverages its expertise and innovative approaches to deliver tailored advice and services, ensuring customers can achieve their financial goals and enjoy peace of mind.


MAXIS Global Benefits Network (MAXIS GBN), co-founded by MetLife and AXA in 1998 is one of the leading international employee benefits networks providing global service capabilities and delivering world-class employee benefits perspectives and solutions to clients in over 100 markets around the world. In February 2016, MetLife and AXA further strengthened their relationship by combining all of its MAXIS GBN existing operations under a joint venture company. This transformation helps leverage the existing strength of the network and its two parent companies while further enhancing the client experience, focusing on product innovation and providing data analytics. For more information, please visit www.maxis-gbn.com.

The MAXIS Global Benefits Network (“Network”) is a network of locally licensed MAXIS member insurance companies (“Members”) founded by AXA France Vie, Paris, France (“AXA”) and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, NY (“MLIC”). MAXIS GBN S.A.S, a Private Limited Company with a share capital of €4,650,000, registered with ORIAS under number 16000513, and with its registered office at 313, Terrasses de l’Arche – 92727 Nanterre Cedex, France, is an insurance and reinsurance intermediary that promotes the Network. MAXIS GBN S.A.S is jointly owned by affiliates of AXA and MLIC and does not issue policies or provide insurance; such activities are carried out by the Members. MAXIS GBN S.A.S operates in the UK through its UK establishment with its registered address at 1st Floor, The Monument Building, 11 Monument Street, London EC3R 8AF, Establishment Number BR018216 and in other European countries on a services basis. MAXIS GBN S.A.S operates in the U.S. through MAXIS Insurance Brokerage Services, Inc., with its registered office located in New York, USA, a New York licensed insurance broker. MLIC and Delaware American Life Insurance Company are the only Members licensed to transact insurance business in New York. The other Members are not licensed or authorised to do business in New York and the policies and contracts they issue have not been approved by the New York Superintendent of Financial Services, are not protected by the New York state guaranty fund, and are not subject to all of the laws of New York.