Webinar: Stroke, cancer and cardiac conditions – has COVID-19 caused a rise in critical illnesses?

Dr Leena Johns and Frank Ahedo discuss how the pandemic has impacted health

COVID-19 has changed the world, potentially forever. Transformations to how people access healthcare have been talked about at some length, but has the pandemic also had an impact on the types of conditions people are seeking treatment for?

We’ve analysed claims data for 2020 and 2021 to find out which critical conditions have become more prevalent since COVID-19 took hold of the world. And we’ve discovered some interesting trends!

Join our webinar on 17 November at 3-4pm (UK time) to find out more about these and what they could mean for you and your people.

Register here

Dr Leena Johns, Chief Health & Wellness Officer at MAXIS GBN, will share MAXIS medical claims data for 2020 and 2021, comparing this to data from prior to the pandemic, highlighting the rise in critical diseases since COVID-19. She will explore some of the potential reasons for the increases in claims for critical conditions and what this could mean for multinational employers.

Dr Leena will be joined by Frank Ahedo, CEO at Further. Frank will explain how multinationals can respond to the increased claims and will introduce Further's new precision medicine solution and its role in cancer treatment.

Full details

  • Title: Stroke, cancer and cardiac conditions – has COVID-19 caused a rise in critical illnesses?

  • Speakers: Dr Leena Johns, Chief Health & Wellness Officer, MAXIS GBN; Frank Ahedo, CEO, Further

  • Date and time: Thursday 17 November, 3-4pm (UK time)