IEBA US webinar

How do employers approach EB financing and keep their employees healthy?

In 2024 and beyond, employers around the world are faced with significant challenges when it comes to both financing employee benefits (EB) and improving the health of their people. As healthcare costs rise and employees expect benefits that are tailored to their individual needs, employers need to think about how they can provide the benefits required to attract, retain and care for their top talent without breaking the bank. We’re joining a panel of experts in the US to discuss these big talking points and offer our insights to multinationals trying to navigate the challenging EB space. The International Employee Benefits Association (IEBA) will be hosting the discussion, moderated by Lockton, on 1 October at 11am EST and Larry Howley, Regional Director – Americas, and Richard Reyf, Director – Health & Wellness Data Analytics, will be sharing their expertise on behalf of MAXIS.

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The panel will cover:

  • Global benefits financing overview and the three main risk financing options (multinational pooling, global underwriting, captive reinsurance)

  • How leading employers are using global benefits financing to innovate and improve the lives of their workforce

  • What large employers that self-insure are doing to drive down claims expenditure. This will focus particularly on lifestyle related diseases