Download our report "The global private healthcare landscape – a story told by MAXIS claims data”
The global private healthcare landscape – a story told by MAXIS claims data - article text
For several years now, we’ve been collecting vast quantities of medical claims data from our local insurers and sharing these insights with our clients – multinational employers – so that they can better understand their claims experience, make proactive changes to improve employee health and stay ahead of the curve.
And now, for the first time ever, we’ve decided to make this data available to a wider audience. We’ve taken our findings from the standardised and anonymised data and created this report about the private medical landscape in all our markets around the world. The report aims to help reconnect public and private healthcare – two usually disconnected spheres – while giving multinational employers insights so they can better understand their claims experience, make proactive changes to improve employee health and be ahead of the curve. Download our report today to find out more about the global private healthcare landscape, the biggest cost drivers in each region and how employers can make proactive changes to keep their people happy, healthy and productive.