Download our report ‘How do industry, culture and gender affect your workforce’s health? Insights from MAXIS claims data'

Does a factory worker face the same health issues on the job as an office-based employee? Does a menopausal woman have the same wellness needs as a younger woman just starting her career?

Whitepaper cover: How do industry, culture and gender affect your workforce’s health? Insights from MAXIS claims dataAnd what about two multinational employees doing the same job – one who lives in a country with a robust public healthcare system, and the other, a worker who relies completely on their workplace health insurance for care. Would offering the same benefits be truly effective? By opting for one-size-fits-all programmes, are multinational employers in danger of letting some of their people slip through the cracks? We’ve analysed our global, standardised and anonymised data from millions of claimants around the world, to find out how the industry someone works in, their culture and their gender can impact their health and wellbeing. Read the report to get access to these exclusive insights today.