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Download our new paper "Healthy ageing in the era of an ageing global workforce"

People are living and working longer than ever. At the same time, birth rates are falling, meaning fewer young people are entering the workforce. These facts combined mean that global employers are coming to rely more than ever on older workers. Multinationals need to consider how to manage the health and benefits requirements of a multigenerational workforce, both now and in the future.

If employers don’t adapt, encourage healthy ageing and cater for an older workforce, they will not only alienate an important and growing pool of skilled staff, they risk becoming uncompetitive, hampered with avoidable costs and possibly exposed to additional medical claims. 

Download our brand-new paper today and find out more about this unstoppable trend… the world’s ageing workforce. You will also get our complimentary handout '5 tips to help you age more healthily' to share with your employees!

The paper is also available in French and Spanish... Download in French or Spanish.